Dot Dot Dot...

by Lady Nik   Nov 10, 2009

....highlights the blankness
that I feel whenever I'm alone.
I'm still spiraling into
A place that
means too much to me.
A life within four walls
all the same plain color
of purple--
I wish I could open
a vein and splash
a few streaks of ruby red
to spice up my life. bland my world is.

Just me and the little voices
in my head. The only people
that understand just how
messed up I truly am. I would laugh
but that won't bring back my
peace of mind. Won't make me
one of you again.

I'm safe inside myself
cutting away the rotten flesh that
makes me another ugly person.
One day I'll be just a skeleton
and then maybe my sanity
will return. Who knows...

maybe I was born insane.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    I deffinately can relate to this. i think i may have to add it to my favorites. really creative how you used the ellipses.

    the solitude, the voices, the insanity. nicely done


  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    The presentation is very original. Though this one is not likely to be a weekly contest winner, only because it resembles a cutting poem, I can appreciate the depth of pain shared and a literal skill in delivery

  • 15 years ago

    by BraidhairCutie

    Deep. Very Deep.

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I think to an extent we're all a bit messed up and insane, that may be the one thing that makes us all human. I loved the uniqueness of this piece and the way you allowed us to enter your "messed up head" for a minute haha Great work 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy

    This is a very deep and intense write. Your pain shows in every word. You have a long life ahead. Look for the golden ring and reach out and grab it. Happiness will find you.

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