Comments : Every Rose Has Its Thorn

  • 15 years ago

    by HidinVictim

    This is a good piece. I liked the originality and the word choice really sent the message home. I will say that the flow seemed a little off, and made it hard to read. still a good piece though.. keep it up!

  • 15 years ago

    by Nee

    First of all, I'd like to say that the opening stanza was just beautiful, you did know how to catch attention.

    "a prevaricator."
    ^Thank you for teaching me something new!

    Your ending is just as beautiful as the opening. I love your title, catchy too.
    I have one criticism though. I noticed that you used "I once" and "I was" at the beginning of the stanzas in another few poems of yours, I'm used to your style so it was a little bit trite to read those lines again. For a first-time reader, they won't get to notice this of course, but you did repeat them in several poems. Try to avoid repetitions.

    Well done Mel (:
    Write on~