Tears I Cry

by heartless   Nov 14, 2009

The tears i cry run red
From all the years
I let them go dead
Now sitting hear in all the tears
I miss you

They say you only get one true love
You were mine and I'd give anything to have you back
You don't want me because i messed up
I want you more then ever because of it

I pour my heart out now instead of tears
Because my heart is the reason they run red

It beats til it breaks and then beats more
So the blood comes out as tears

All the bloody tears
From all the years
Sitting here with out you
Makes me wanna let them out


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  • 15 years ago

    by SoUrNameIsTia

    Damn. Shows you have really strong feelings for this guy. Unlike any poem i've read.

    fav part: "It beats til it breaks and then beats more" <<< this line shows that even though ur hear is broken, it still beats to love the boy.

