Another Holiday Alone

by Cindy   Nov 15, 2009

Images, past smiles fill my mind
Another holiday spent alone
Forgotten, easy not looking back
Love and laughter use to fill my home

How long will it take them to see
It's not about a plate full of food
Rather compassion love and kindness
A hands touch that changes the mood

So hard to feel like a burden
Just wanting to belong once again
To the family that fills your heart
As time passes you learn to pretend

You put on your happiest mask
Tell them that it is all OK
Have a good time, say my hello's
When inside you're screaming please stay

Another holiday spent alone
Watching Macy's Thanksgiving parade
Maybe next year they'll stay with you
Your life's light slowly begins to fade

Please take the time to spend with people who are without families, the homeless, elderly, and shut-ins. Don't just drop off food give of your time. Sit and eat with them. Pick them up and bring them to your home. Bring your family and meal to them. A conversation, smiles and laughter can do so much for those who are alone on the holidays. Share your love.

Written by: Cynthia Graver
November 14, 2009


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  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    There is a powerful message in this well written poem

  • 15 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Everybody needs somebody, just for companionship, to see a smile, to feel happy
    to be around people. A good message for all
    to read :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    A very heartfelt write... that so touched the chords of my heart. An emotional poem Cindy... so full of truth , lol. Very well written and expressed.

    A well said write , lol.

  • 15 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Poem with such deep message. You really need a brave heart to read and understand and then act upon this. Most of the time people read and feel but forget to understand that this is for them also in some ways of life.

    Awesome poem yaar, loved the way you expressed it all.

    all the best and take care

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Gerard is right, people do feel alone in this world. Friends and family can forget that some of their members can't always get out and about, pop in to say hi and then rush off to other business. It means the world to someone just to have someone take the time to stop, sit, and talk to them. Well done.