I wish

by Sadespair   Nov 16, 2009

I Wish
To sleep an endless sleep.
To not wake, && just dream.
Of things reality doesn't give.
A hopeful love.
A cleaner world.
&&when death comes,
I'm Ready.
I'll pack my bags, && leave steady.
But this endless sleep finds an END.
I wake, && the morning I do dread.
With my Friends I'll get by.
With my family I'll Survive.



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  • 15 years ago

    by Love Panda

    I love this poem. So very strong at the end. Nice structure and word usage. Im not a fan of the double & but it works for you and therefor is good. Nicely done indeed. IBE

  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    You kept this short, but it was still beautiful. it's been awhile since you've posted something new. i liked the word choice. it really made this sound great.

    thanks for sharing

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