Making of a Man

by Cainer   Nov 16, 2009

What makes a man a man
What does it take
For me to convince you thats what i am
To make it clear I'm no longer a child

I'm not a little kid you can boss around
I'm not around the house anymore
To be your little whipping boy
I'm a man with dreams of my own

I may still respect you for what you are
You did the best you could for me
But there comes a time when you have to accept
I'm no longer going to be there forever

The making of a man is for him to strike out on his own
To make his own path in life
Forge ahead without looking back
Because for him he has a life time to make the decisions as you did

To regret the things he did! and to make amends!
Start a family of his own and play with his kids
Then in the end feel as you feel in this moment
When he to has to say goodbye to his son


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