
by Sadespair   Nov 19, 2009

Who knew her bleeding wrist
Would hurt his beating heart
She wished to hurt him not
She attempted to stop
He played "savior"

Who knew he played wrong.?.
Who'd a thought rules existed.?.

Cold body on the floor.
Pale as snow.
Wrist Blood red.

She had no exist.
She did not stop.
To comfort him she lied.
She hid truth to Save his heart.

Lesson learned; Sometimes Saviors, need to be saved.?.

He it be.
Cried not, she taught him that.


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  • 14 years ago

    by SolemnWish

    Savoirs need to be saved sometimes as Kuro sed.

    Playing Savior is a hard game especially if you need saving at the same time :(

    all in all good job 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Love Panda

    I like the twist at the end about saviours needing saving..that was good. You have some spelling mistakes - maybe go to edit and use the p&q spell checker on it. Kind of a broken flow but i think it works well against the words you chose to well. Nice one. IBE

  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    Sometimes saviors need to be saved.

    nice. this means more than you will know for me. that "savior" game is a lot of work. especially if you are saving more than one person

    thanks for sharing

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