Comments : It lies behind my heart

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Its crazy to think about how many people we pass everyday who are smiling and laughing are actually miserable and unhappy. All we can really see is whats on the surface and for most people thats good enough. The one good thing about heartache and hard times is they'll always make you stronger. Great job 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Beautiful Chaos

    I really enjoyed reading this Chelsea, it is a very nice sad write and sadly I think so many of us out here can relater to it. Your flow and rhyme was simple, which I like because I think it helps you focus more on what is being said in a piece like this. Good work.

  • 15 years ago

    by No Need For A Name

    This is interesting. It reads more like a story or a monologue then an actual poem. There is very strong emotion throughout, which draws the reader in. The setup is a little confusing at first, until you get into it. But then it confuses once again with the final two line stanza. Overall, fairly well done.

    Peace and prosperity,


  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    I just added this poem to MY FAVORITES. i thought it was so heartbreakingly sad and i can somewhat relate. i don't feel that i relate to this the same way you do, but in an emotional way, i think i can. this was so deep and honest. thank you for writing this. amazing job! :)

  • 14 years ago

    by chind

    My gosh i want more! this was such an amazing piece, i read it twice and it is just perfect, it has so much emotion portrayed in it, and i love what you did at the end! just perfect ...this also is going in my favourites!

  • 14 years ago

    by Daniel Mulvany

    I love these lines:
    The true mask is this fake heart that stands in place of mine
    The one that acts whole, healthy, and seems to beat just fine.
    It's an extremely vivid portrayal. This is my favorite of the ones I've read. Great work!

  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Wow, I love this poem!! So much hurt and pain expressed... I could feel how terrible those things could be... I loved the stanzas about the masks because I can really relate to that...

    "Everyone says its okay to sometimes wear a mask
    You got to block out the pain and make sure you stay on task
    But its not a mask you see, I'm not covering my face
    Something else is hidden in another secret place"


    "The true mask is this fake heart that stands in place of mine
    The one that acts whole, healthy, and seems to beat just fine
    But behind it, there it lays with pieces all around
    Irregular, defeated, it's been beaten down"

    - Amazing ! And the ending was perfect. Great job!

  • 12 years ago

    by Krysten

    This poem is so very sad, but wonderfully written. I also really like how you chose to break it up, with smaller simple rhymes between stanzas of powerful emotion. Great job. 5/5