Comments : Snow White

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Now this piece was a lot better I have to admit. You took me somewhere with it and you had good imagery and metaphors. You still have to watch how you word things though because sometimes it doesn't make sense. "may those clay man never melt into mud" doesn't make sense when you read it. if its just one clay man it should be "may that clay man never melt into mud" and if its two or more "may those clay men never melt into mud" easy fix so I did give this a 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by SolemnWish

    Like old habits we broke hard

    This line sounded oddly like the lines that inspired me to write Bad Habits Die Hard, one of my older now poems.
    There are a few gramatical errors but its ok because i still loved it, its in my favs 5/5