Comments : Stretch It

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin

    I had a very full on weekend not so long ago, lots of random crazyness...this poem was the result..

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin

    Yo Lizzy..i know who you are another incarnation of Shakespeare...and most likely jealous of my poems of yours for me of anyone else to look at.

    If tell me i'm shit, you should be better than me ya?

  • 20 years ago

    by LuAnne

    Um elizabeth - i agree with kevin! oMg All Becuase You Dont uSdErstand DOesnt meAn itS baD - YouR braIn Might nOT be big Enoguh to HolD KNoWlaGE like The Rest oF uS So shUt Up ! NicE poEm KEvin