Suicide ?

by lovemehateme   Nov 24, 2009

When ever I feel down it seems I turn to suicide, darkness takes over and everything inside me slowly dies.

It ends the pain and everything else in this hell I call life, I can end it myself and stop the strife.

It's all tearing me apart and this is all I can take, so taking my life is a sacrifice im willing to make.

Every one acts like suicide is so tragic, but to me it's like magic.

The razor slides across my wrists, blood drips down through my fingers and over my fists.

I start to panic for my life for this could be the end, then I realize that death is my friend.

As im slowly trying to build up the courage to commite suicide tonight, the hours pass by and for once it all seems so right.

Taking the razor I cut down my arm, deeper and deeper not thinking of the harm.

I start to feel numb and I lose sight in my eyes, I fall to the ground no one hearing my cries.

I wish I had felt like there was another way out besides commiting suicide, but now it's to late for I have already died.


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  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Dark write very good 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Lynn Anderson

    I really hope that you don't feel this way.. But this poem has a good use of rhyme and words. :) Good work!

  • 15 years ago

    by FindingHarmonyInYurCries

    There is no such thing as beauty in suicide __

    Well written;

  • 15 years ago

    by kylexthexmagnificent

    Awww this is sad and dark, but i like it :D great write, you have potential