I Wanna Run Away...

by lovemehateme   Nov 24, 2009

I get this urge to run away, I have no more reason here so whyy should I stay?

I hate it here im so tired of this place, but I hide the pain I feel with a smile on my face.

As I pack my bags and climb out the window I'm thinking of places that I could go, but whyy I left will anyone know?

I'm walking down the street and it's pouring down rain, i'm getting this feeling i'm going insane.

Cars drive by and I try to avoid them for I still feel alone, im gettin scared now so I ask myself should I keep going or head back home.

If I go back now no one will know that I had left and no body will worry, but im already gone and i'm in no hurry.

I see blue lights racing down the street I wonder if their looking for me, so I try to run and hide but it's raining harder making it difficult for me to see.

I don't know where I am and I have no place to go so I keep running til find a place, yet I still can't help but to think of how much I am a disgrace.

I'm not thinking about what i'm putting my friends through but will they miss me at all?, for no one was there before to catch me when I fall.

I felt like I didn't exsist or belong anywhere and it's like I was always forgotten, for the last time I felt happy and not used I can't recall when.

Sick of being neglected and people not listening to what I have to say I can finally get away and be free, free from this hell wondering if anyone will miss me.

But I hate feeling like this and having to fake being polite, so I wanna run away because to me it's the only thing that seems right.

So I say goodbye for you won't see or hear from me in a long time if not forever, I had to run away just to keep myself together...


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  • 15 years ago

    by Donna

    So true words spoken close to all our hearts running away...Well written really liked this

  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    This shows a ton of emotion and i loved it! i've tried to run away before and i always turn back because i know i have nowhere else to go. but chin up. :) great job. please read my "change" poem?

  • 15 years ago

    by xxxGrimmxxx

    That waz a kickass poem *i wud cry but i am far to numb to*

  • 15 years ago

    by kylexthexmagnificent

    Wow... this is deep. fer real. love it though, shows alot of emotion