
by rene   Nov 24, 2009

Ive been here before
Memories everywhere i look
despite how vague
the shimmers of my minds pool
i still feel connected
tied to the past
my memories

here on the wall
photos of childhood
alone i may have been
none to play with
or laugh

these toys were mine
countless hours spent
building worlds
stories of their lives
creating lives
futures of imagination

i remember this boy
the one no one notices
disregarded for another
shimmers through their life
hassles on their hands
who no one loves

as i age
stories fade
loneliness grows
despite how vague
the shimmers of my past
they are here
My memories


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  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    I could also imagine the young man in his childhood home, while he scatters to look at old pictures. memories. great title. very emotional. great work :) would you please rrc my newest one, "reflection"?

  • 15 years ago

    by RavishingEruption

    This was really good. I liked it alot. It was very visual; I could imagine a young man walking down the halls in his childhood home looking at pictures...

    Very great. Good job. 5/5

    By the way, you always meant something to me. :)