You gave me this life to live
in the beginning, an image that's blurry of you holding me in your loving caring arms...
i looked up to you, I wanted to be just like you...
years later, start to act like you, but get confused of what's right, what is normal
You walk out the door, leaving daddy,
Leaving me..
True colors of you, I see
spent hours missing you
Days being confused
Years wondering "What if"
Things get tough.
And daddy sends me away to you...
Thinking i'd be seeing happiness in your eyes,
that's all i ever wanted,
even if you weren't with my father.
Confusion comes back to me...
Hurt fills my heart
What did i do? Who do you want me to be?
I looked into those eyes one last time,
scared of what has become
Darkness, cold && misery is all I saw...
I leave the memory of you holding me in your loving caring arms...
Because your not the mother you use to be.