I lost myself in Us

by latin girl   Nov 26, 2009

This ring is my bondage.
It holds me down.
I lost the light for oh so long
That I can not be found.
You broke me to pieces
Over and over again
It is always me begging and saying sorry
Never you...
I hate that about you.
I hate that about me.
I'm stupid I'm stupid
Thats what you tell me..first
I say sorry and you don't back down right away
And if you say sorry I am here to stay
I hate that so much
I have no one...nothing.
I am always alone and forever alone
For a long time...I do not remember
My pain eventually subsides
But only to a certain point
However it is there, inside of my etched in my skin
Always reminding me.
I do love you
Then I do hate you
You took soo much from me
Everything from you
You stole my soul
You stole my kind hearted light
Its always you my life revolves around you
If you leave I beg you please and
If I tried you would say bye
Thats the difference between you and me
I compromise...you don't at all
What a lil birthday
What about me?
Your church...
Your rules...
You're the head...
If you don't like it then noo
But if I like it...soo
One sided-relationship.
I have nothing...
I work, I go to school, and I sleep not good sleep though
I work to pay bills and break my back to pay pills never do I see the fruits
School is the only thing that keeps me going.
I have nothing in my eyes
I just tell myself I do
But I am blank ...all blank.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Second to None

    I can really relate. i used to have a boyfriend that completely controled me but i didnt mind because i loved him so dearly. then he broke up with me and i was lost. and if he had ever wanted me back i would have ran whole heartedly back to his controling arms. but now i have a new boyfriend but every now and then i think of him and part of me wishes he was still mine. great poem.