Another Secret

by Ashley   Nov 29, 2009

It's attacking me again,
attacking my body from the inside,
and showing on the out.
No one shall know of this secret,
Only me.
Haven't had much to eat today.
Didn't eat much yesterday either.
Skinnier and skinnier,
until I vanish into sweet nothings.
I'm ready,
bring it on.
Let it take me,
it doesn't really matter.
I'm depressed,
my body wont even let me eat anymore.
I wish it away everyday,
but it does no good.
So I sit here,
stomach growling...
Don't let her find out...
She can't know.
This has to be kept a secret.
Not a soul can know.
No one can find out.
Let me keep this one secret...
I need it.
My secret eating disorder,
it's taking over again.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    That's good, I can relate to this one and can say, as much as you think there is no hope I am slowly beating my eating disorder. you just can't always to it alone, and if you do not accept help, you will never start to feel better. keep writing xxxx