SHARKs don't blink

by Hear You Me   Nov 30, 2009

I can feel them, YOUR EYES
and they're TEARING me up inside
SLICING me through
with KNIVES so thin
but so ACUTE, and PRECISE

i felt no fear from YOU
the prey, the weak, now THE PREDATOR
as you wreak your WORST,
but please, i can't stand the HURT

YOU know what YOU'RE doing
and it's KILLING me.

Your eyes, tearing, slicing; with knives so acute and precise.
You; the predator.
You control my worst hurt.
You, you're killing.

And you know this, because sharks don't blink.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Poetic Tragedy08

    Had to read over this a few times but i loved the analogy, after a while it kinda clicked what you were doing. my favorite line in this was you control my worst off of that, thats a good line.. good job!