The Devil Has The Last Laugh

by DarkCrystalbtrfy   Nov 30, 2009

Cross my heart and hope to die
Crystal glass my alibi
Seeping through my veins so sweet
Is deaths daring feat
While thoughts pour out my head
Crimson blood is running red
Compassion has left my body and soul
My dead, darkening, dreary eyes
Once prone to haunting lullaby's
Now droop closed in sleepless mist
But still that haunting waking kiss
Is so cold that ice devours my skin
While the darkness is pouring in
Shattering my mind, so much sin
Still the devil laughs again


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  • 15 years ago

    by KJ

    Hmmm, pretty good write. Although the rhyming was on point, I think you could have done a little better with the flow. But other than that, it was a wonderful read. So I think you also desrve a 5/5. Keep up the good writes

  • 15 years ago

    by Hollymariee

    Good rhyming , although the flow is off in a few spots . You also use really good imagery . Very well written .

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