Comments : Between The Shadows

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Although this was long it was breathtakingly beautiful. It expressed inner feelings you have for this special person & shows that they mean the world to you. I loved how you incorportated the title that was beautiful and well done. Not much more I can say but that I did enjoy this for you nearly took the words out of my mouth that I feel for someone as well. Great work (:

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Nice job with this Nik. A place that can be good or bad, between the shadows, depends on where our minds are at the time. Well done.

  • 15 years ago

    by Liz

    I love the scenery you painted for the readers.
    this poem wast peaceful, more than anything.
    its nice to know that between the shadows there's also something peaceful, something beautiful. that love can be found anywhere.
    i loved this 5/5


  • 15 years ago

    by Liz

    *was peaceful :)

  • 15 years ago

    by firexflys

    "Next to mountain tops
    is where I slept in your arms.
    Nearly close to heaven where
    I felt no kind of harm.
    I'm blessed through you my
    angel. Your wings of faith
    cover me and fuel my great escape."

    i love that you did amazing job.


  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Today I am in the mood to read all love poems for some reason, so I looked around on your profile and found this beauty!

    "Between the shadows
    rest a place where I find
    you always. Here and there
    no matter the day, I know you'll
    be everywhere. Darkness is not
    always the root of evil, seed of
    sin. The place I met love,
    the place where we begin."

    A good introduction, telling the reader about this piece and bringing your feelings into clear view.

    "Behind the sun
    Lies the thoughts of you,
    my dearest love that feels so true.
    Trickling down the faucet is
    the time I spent in this solitary
    mind shaft waiting for your return.
    My sweet I'm happy you've come back."

    This flowed like a love song but the only thing that I was hesitant about when reading was this "My sweet" , I just didn't like that adjective playing as a noun there, it seemed like you should have said "sweet one". But that is my opinion, it is your poem :)

    "Next to mountain tops
    is where I slept in your arms.
    Nearly close to heaven where
    I felt no kind of harm.
    I'm blessed through you my
    angel. Your wings of faith
    cover me and fuel my great escape."

    Wow, this is just what I was thinking about. I absolutely love the mountains and their beauty and going there with your love sounds like the best thing in the world. I just might write about that, thanks for inspiring me!

    I also love the mention of him being your angel, that never gets old to me, I always smile when I read heartfelt words like these, they are just so touching.

    "Near riverbanks
    stands the first viewing of
    the light shinning off your brown hair.
    Perfectly sketched in my memory
    erase such a picture, I'd never dare.
    Years with you have made me see
    the greatest parts of life
    aren't always a mystery."

    How unified you both are, and it shows with the words you have woven together.

    "Over the half moon
    stares a pair of eyes
    I'd know in the darkest room.
    I've been hurt too much and
    you're love didn't come too soon.
    You make me feel different
    like I could laugh through the hurt.
    You're the best thing in the universe
    the one I deserve."

    I like your confidence in this piece, I know a friend who loves her significant other so much but feels that she is not worthy and that his life is more important. Where here, you live together equally and value each other's company..

    "Opposite green plains
    stays the moments I share with you,
    the love I feel, the heart that beats,
    the you and me. Even with
    death around the corner, I'll never let go.
    Just remember, love, that we have
    our sacred place hidden
    between the shadows."

    Great repetition of that line "between the shadows", that is powerful and striking because it seems sometimes the shadows will consume us and there is no light.

    A thoughtful and inspiring piece, thanks for the read!

    God bless you and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  • 15 years ago

    by KJ

    This was a very long poem, but I couldnt help but fall in love with the emotion. You did a better job with the flow in this one. Also, I loved how you actually incorporated the title into the poem's ending. Brilliant and beautifull write.


    --Kay Jay