Stupid In Love...

by XxBrokenInsidexX   Dec 6, 2009

I love him..
I need him..
I want him..
all because,
I'm stupid in love.

I let him tell me lies
Cheat and break my heart,
I let him ruin me
I let him tear me apart..
all because,
I'm stupid in love.

I put up with him
I let him know I care
I fight for him
Even though for me, he isn't there
all because,
I'm stupid in love.

I cry day in and day out
I try so hard
I need him
even though because of him I'm scarred
all because,
I'm stupid in love.

I cant let go
He can hit and hurt me all he desires
I cant escape
he is my supplier
all because,
I'm stupid in love.

I want to let go
Ive tried for so long
I don't deserve this
Its so wrong..
yet i cant let go,
I'm stupid in love.


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  • 15 years ago

    by firexflys

    I understand how you feel and i hope that some day you find the will to make the choice to do whats best for you. great job keep it up. love the layout
