Next she removes her pretend eyes, |
by Good Enough
I really liked this poem but there are some improvements you can make on it. the big one is that is ends too abruptly. maybe add anotherstanza or too. |
by Saving Grace
Loved this poem very much. I found that the rhyme scheme wasnt forced, which helped the poem really flow quite well. I like that. =] i must say also, that |
Wow.... truly amazing. i love the story behind this. its sad cuz it happens very often. great poem :) |
by AJ
I can see this poem in the inspirational category. Mainly because there are many girls out there that feel they must mask themselves, when in reality, they dont. This was very well written and thoughtfully laid out. good job. 5/5 |
by Dark Secrets
Wow!! this poem is just phenominal... no one diserves you if they don't want you as you are, that just means they want to be their imaginary perfection. |
by Lover Boii
This is powerful in a certain way. Everyone understands what this is saying. Most people have been there before. And you're writing about a girl who has the strength to be herself more confidently whether he likes it or not, the idea that you don't have to impress anyone, in life, but yourself. |
by KJ
You know, you are truely an amazing writer :) Every time I read one of your poems, I get caught up in it, & that's always a good sign. |
by Kayla
That was an extremely good poem. |
by shlok
Very touchy... you can read mine as well..unwanted parents |
Wow.. thats a really touching write. it actually made me cry.. because i feel like that everyday. i wish i actually had the courage to do that though. (:* dont make any changes. it is a real good poem |
"In front of a full length mirror she stood, |
by AwingAshes
Gave me the goosebumps; most definitely a winner. A problem I feel in all society and you said it perfectly - painted the picture, really. |
Interesting and to many times true. |
by SheenaMarie
5/5 great message |