Barely did her feet graze the cool green tips of earth
Drawing near her humble cottage, latent high on hill
She entered to lay a charge beside the sullied hearth
Then lit she a trembling fire to fret away such chill
Seriously she watched the flames climb to livid heights
Reflecting on the day's ill humor, how esteem found its halt
A student of the lesson now, of how refutation bites
Had she known, appalling then would seem exalt
...Not one hour former did hopes admit their resignation
Her 'rank' intolerable, undid his solemn vow
Sacrificing allegiance, humility for indignation
His mother's reproof, "For this I can, sir, disallow!"
So wept she by her fire, assessing on delight's undoing
Though warm conflagration, her chill, it did not worry
For all time spent engaged in resolute pursuing
Regret, a chill and sorrow, but then in healing - fury