
by Countess of Monte Cristo   Dec 12, 2009

Look at me,
Raised up in a foster home.
Never saw my parents, never knew who they were,
In this cold world, i constantly roam.

They judge me for something i did not do,
It seems i have to pay the price.
Talking about me behind my back,
But in front of me they act nice.

What did i ever do to deserve this?
I was a baby when they abandoned me somewhere.
Instead of words of support,
All i get is criticizing stares.

Why does society judge people like us?
We didn't do anything wrong.
Born under difficult circumstances,
Are there any parents to whom i belong?

Perhaps, those who i came out of,
Have a family to care about.
Do they ever think about me?
No, i highly doubt.

But it's not my fault that I'm an orphan,
It's not my fault if i was a mistake.
People are so judgmental,
Everything they care about is fake.

Take some time to know me,
Take a time to really see.
Instead of building useless barriers,
We might surprisingly agree.

I am an orphan,
That simply is not my mistake.
I was a baby when i was abandoned,
Life is a game of give and take.

Stop being so judgmental,
I am a human just like you.
Give me a chance and don't pre-judge me,
I will not accept being a taboo.

*Dedicated to all the orphans who were faultlessly blacklisted from society.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Very strongly expression of emotions in this write. You are absolutely right with your message here. It's sad what the world has come to these days & how people have to judge eachother, but we are all the same. This was just really powerful & well said.

  • 15 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    Woh.. Lol. An amazing write, so strongly written, that you have very well expressed. Well done!

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    I wish people who have children would think twice if they are going to abandon them. Some parents are killed and their children become orphans. Others make that choice. Shame on them.

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