
by silvershoes   Dec 12, 2009

Blank Verse
Enclosed Rhyme
*Written for a contest
Seven riders flee across the dusty plain,
With star sprinkled sky hanging low above.
Their black horses scatter to a hawk's V-train,
As the frontman raises silently his glove.

Cool wind whisks quickly
The air whooshes in a stream
He points straight ahead

Appears a horseman 'yon gloved finger's mark,
Pixilating in the rippling moonlight.
His white steed rears but does not ride,
His cape billows silver, fiercely bold.

Seven riders reign in slow to form a barrier,
Circling the white mirage as he twists about.
Frontman raises his glove with palm held out,
Down flies a feathered friend; faithful harrier.

Softly treads the frontman forward,
Hounds slinking by his horse's hocks.
A silence stirs and then a gasp,
Disappears - both black and white!
Oh, that the frontman did not near,
With glove hand raised in grave salute...
Six riders would not flee tonight, across a dusty plain.


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  • 14 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    The imagery is awesome in this piece it was like watching a movie in my mind almost. You're still one of my favorite poets on this whole site haha keep writing J-bone :p 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    For one, I loved loved loved the idea of this piece. The layout. Using different forms for each stanza.. I can't say I've seen that done before. Seems like you picked the perfect ones & they worked very nicely together. Second, I loved your imagery in this.. so vividly & easy to picture. Outstanding descriptions that were unique & interesting. Awesome job!

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