Comments : Im tired

  • 15 years ago

    by Daniel Rutter


    On your poem itself:
    I really like the short, to-the-point sentences. I particularly like the use of the word 'abject'... I've not seen that in a poem before. I felt the tiredness in the words, I felt the fed-up feeling... I felt the anger. One thing I would suggest, is improve your grammar. It makes things much easier to read if you set it out properly.

    On your feeling:
    Whatever you do, please don't take your anger out on this woman psychically. I've been there, and there is no guilt short of murder that overtakes what you feel afterward. The regret will swallow you up. If you ever get that feeling, just walk out the door and come back when you feel better.
    Good luck with this woman, I hope things work out.