The Walk...

by Dreamofolwin   Dec 14, 2009

Today I escaped the bustle,
went to smell a flower or two.
Took a walk around the park,
the grass still sparkling with the dew.

It really cheered my heart,
to hear a little birdie sing.
When I looked, it was Mr. Robin,
sitting alone upon a swing.

He gave me a funny look then,
in the park, just him and I...
As he cocked his little head,
before taking wings to fly.

I walked a little further,
on my way around the park.
The air was crisp and chilly,
as I heard a doggy bark.

I came to my favourite seat then,
Sat down for a moment or two...
For its hear I like to ponder,
When things are getting out of view.

And in the stillness of the morning,
I thanked God from my heart...
For giving me another day,
a new beginning... a fresh start.


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Beautiful as always. I love your work. 5/5, Em

  • 15 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Olwin I wish I had the opportunity to walk with you in this peaceful place. Your images were calming and delightful.
    A poem that is a pleasure to read

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Olwin, I am already wishing it was spring and this only made me wish harder. (smiles) God does give us so many things to start a new day with regardless of the season. Well done.