Comments : In Between Dreams

  • 15 years ago

    by Rocky

    I feel this is a great improvement over the last poem i commented on. not as emotional as i usually like(but that is just me) but still good.
    i like how you have used no blatant rhyme scheme and where the words did rhyme it was only in a half rhyme. half rhymes are usually alot more subtle and effective than a pure rhyme. personally i feel you should try to break out the four line stanzas mold. make your stanzas as long or short as they need to be, dont try to limit them into a certain number. otherwise this poem had some good flow to it but the third stanza just didnt fit. i think you should rethink it. good work otherwise

  • 15 years ago

    by Rocky

    Ps and personally i would make a small change to "You are my every thought, love.
    I feel you and release" into
    You are my every thought,my love.
    I feel you and i release

    only a small change i know but i feel it flows better when read aloud

  • 15 years ago

    by Lori

    I really respect that your girlfriend wrote this for you :) I always base my poems on my boyfriend. I never give them to him, but still. It's the best way to express your love for someone. You should feel very loved for her giving this to you. Also, you can tell her feelings are true. Or else, she would've had complications writing it. It sounds like this was easily written and truthful.

    I study your heartbeat.
    Its steady rhythm sweeps
    drowsy waves over me
    putting my mind at ease.

    ^I always love putting my head where my boyfriends heart is. It's soothing to hear your loves heart beat :) Also, she really explains that feeling of being close to you.

    You are my every thought, love.
    I feel you and release
    im slipping, slipping away
    somewhere in between dreams.

    ^Beautiful ending. I very much enjoyed the ending along with the rest of this poem. It was charming and it was very sweet of you to put it on here. You must really love her! She is talented :) 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Steady Stereotype

    Sir, I have a softspot for playful metaphors (That what they're called?) and you had a handful here.

    "Your face is kissed with sleep
    and dreams amuse your lids."
    ^ Very cute, you can sense the romance from a lover gazing at his other. Then you can also see that the other one seems graceful as they sleep, dreaming with a smile on their face. Absolutely adorable ♥.

    Though other then that single verse, there weren't many other aspects of the poem that were intriguing. It's a well-written poem, the flow seemed shaky though the words were well-placed, lines well worded and you conveyed a very romantic feel to this poetry. But as do a lot of other romance poems, I think this is because of how often you see poems about love, and not your actual writing ability.

    4/5 Good Work, keep on writing. (:

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Very sensual and romantic free flow

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I liked this. It flowed well and expresses how you two feel for each other. I agree with Mike this was sensual but also beautiful. The words you two used were great. I enjoyed reading this hun :) Nice work. Nik

  • 15 years ago

    by Sumit Ojha

    Excellent and full with love. Flow is okay but story is awesome... Keep up this good work (5/5)

  • 15 years ago

    by Shinobi

    A nice written poem, still has a long way to go. The structure is a basic 4 lined stanza.
    I found it difficult to find a rhyming scheme. Usually, in this kind of poems, it's either aabb or abab, but here I see neither.
    The metaphors and images you painted is probably your main acheivment in this piece, as I could see the pictures in the stanzas while I read them.
    There were some broken lines there that cut the flow, for example:

    ebbs and tides that light you
    up, even in this shade.

    Here you cut the sentence in the middle. Instead of cutting it near the end, to emphasize.

    "soothing my chill-ed bones"
    Here I'd use shivering instead of chilled, it helps the flow.

    A nice try though, just follow what I said and it could be a great poem. 4/5 , Better luck next time!

  • 15 years ago

    by East Poetry

    This first stanza..... simply made my jaw drop. I read it twice and knew that the rest of this poems was going to be very very good.

    .... and it was. I cant wait to meet someone that can appreciate me enough to write a poem like that for me.

  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    I loved reading this and you are very talented! never stop writing! would you please read and comment on my "scars" poem?? i would love some feedback.

  • 15 years ago

    by BREEawNUHH

    Ah, this poem is gorgeous!

    "I study your heartbeat.
    Its steady rhythm sweeps
    drowsy waves over me
    putting my mind at ease."

    ^^ That is my favourite part. Something about it is just so beautiful and adds so much to the piece as a whole.

    There is honestly nothing negative I can say about this whatsoever. I adore when the vocabulary can be relatively simplistic, but still get your emotions across so easily.

    A beautiful piece.
