Deception of Blood.

by AwingAshes   Dec 17, 2009

Deception of Blood.

They call us strangers;
born from their womb,
loving their family --
only to be married off
to a different household;

eating your food,
wasting your money,
wasting your time --
giving nothing more
than love.

Is that why we do not belong;
the reason we should not exist.
Should we be discriminated
for the traditions
we do not believe.

Abortion for girls --
sexism - no crime.
Murder of daughters --
for the sons you wish to keep;
an heir they will bless.

They call us strangers
as we give them the love
of a daughter; a friend --
yet espouse us to another.

So much affection for
the stranger as
Mothers sob
as thoughts of giving their child
away come to mind;
Fathers weep
as their pride is married off.

Through tradition,
through arrangement,
through deception;

WE shower affection
yet we are pronounced strangers.
WE create the future
yet prejudice we are victims of.
WE birth your heir
yet you choose to murder us.

Your blood,
your daughter --
your murder.


Parents often take ultrasounds to find the gender of their child and abort their baby if she is a girl.
Wanting an heir they only want a son.
They think that daughters are to be married off; they don't technically ever belong to their family -- all they do is waste your money and space in your house and eat your food to be useless to the parents.

Don't be fooled, this still exists today.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Corinne

    You're right - this does exist in China and India and elsewhere. Females are not as cherished and honored and wanted as males in many cultures.