Together We Can Live

by Lady Nik   Dec 17, 2009

Life is a gift
with many people waiting
to tear away the pretty
paper that holds it together.
But how can we discover the beauty
within it if we runaway? Life
is all we need,
only if you stay.

Don't leave my dear
there's still hope...

Time can't heal all wounds
some will last forever
others will vanish.
Just hold my hand
and together we can beat it all.

Breathing isn't always born
sometimes it takes a push
just to get these
lungs working just right.
But I know I'd rather
breathe for us than
breathe alone.

I'm here with you and
through the pain, together
we can live.

*For my best friend Danny :) *


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  • 15 years ago

    by KJ

    There's not much I can say. Only that this poem was amazing (once again, I know). But truth be told, I love all your poems. This is no exception. I heard the voice of a wise, caring, honest friend while reading. Just...great job Nik. You blow me away every time.

    Kay Jay

    Thank you for the wonderful reads :)

  • 15 years ago

    by margie

    A very g00d p0em... Luvd it

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    A comforting poem for your friend. He is lucky to have you in his corner. Well done.

  • 15 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    What an amazing write.... so tenderly, and passionately written for your friend. A poem from the heart... Loved it very much. Brilliant Lady Nik..;)

    My favourite lines....

    But I know I'd rather
    breathe for us than
    breathe alone.

    Awesome! lol.

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This doesn't surprise me that a great heart such as yours would write this for someone. You're the kind of person who will help someone through difficult times & give them the support they need to get through them. Awesome job..(:

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