I dream, I sleep, I breathe.

by Curing the Comon Cliche   Dec 18, 2009

I breathe.
I sleep.
I dream.
And in my dreams I see
A riverbed. Stones
As smooth and colourless as
The water that they meet.
A dark and quiet river
The end of which, I can not find.
But I scan from dark horizon
To the next. Until they catch my eye.
One thousand people across the water.
Waiting. As silent as the night.
I take off my clothes to swim
To them. But the water is like ice.
That is when I see you.
Numb, but so am I.
It's been one year since
The big sleep took you from my side.
Warm memories fill my head
An age since our last kiss.
The boatman accepts my coins
And carries me across the Styx.
I dream
A quiet dream.
I sleep
The big sleep.
I breathe
My last breath.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    This was a very emotional piece that I'm sure a lot of people can relate to. I think you did a great job with expressing death here. It wasn't overly dramtic and depressing like some sad poems are now. I think your words are powerful and beautiful. Keep up the good work dear. Nik