
by Countess of Monte Cristo   Dec 20, 2009

Yes, loving you is a sin,
Of which i am beyond salvation.
Don't ask me how i feel like this,
I've reached the point of desperation.

I'm one who has her head on her shoulders,
Disciplined all the time.
But I've deprived myself of so much joy,
I want you to be mine.

You carry yourself like a gentleman,
And you speak like you command the place.
Every thing about you has a touch of class,
You're always full of grace.

Let me keep it short and simple,
My heart fell in love with yours.
After being caged by reality,
Like free birds let us soar.

Yes sir, i am beyond salvation,
And i know loving you is a sin.
But I've ignored this voice long enough,
The still voice in me that is within.

*The heart does things for reasons that reason cannot understand.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    The heart and brain often take us in different directions and unfortunately the heart is not always the right one. Well done.

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