Comments : Our Love

  • 20 years ago

    by TaTy

    loved it... but then again i love all your poems.. =) 5 all the way

  • 20 years ago

    by Rachel

    Sorry that I havn't commented on any of your poems for awhile but... this one is definately a 5! I seem to just not get enough of your work. I love the way that you describe your love for Craig you seem to express your feelings so well whenever you write about him and I think that is why your poems turn out to be so good and well-written. Thank you for sharing your feelings with us because we really enjoy reading all of your work... let me tell ya that you are one talented writer! So keep up the good work...I luvd this one. Take care and dream big!
    Love always,

  • Lovely piece of work! Why i didn't see your works before! ***** :)