He smelled of coffee and cigarettes.
Just sitting in the front seat,
Looking back at me,
Trying to get to know me,
In the little time we had.
His thick mustache moved as he spoke.
When I got the nerve to look him in the eye,
I could see my reflection in his glasses.
He opened the card to reveal a picture of me,
A picture I was unaware of.
He and I look exactly alike.
Maybe it was an attempt,
Maybe he felt bad,
Felt obligated to see me,
I hadn't seen him in months.
But there I was,
In the backseat of my mom's car,
And upset.
I had an attitude,
But how long was he going to sit there with me,
His daughter.
When I spoke those words,
"I love you,"
It felt like a lie.
Maybe that's because,
Of all the lies I've ever told,
That was my biggest.
My father,
My own flesh and blood,
Left so many years ago.
And he tried to step in again.
With his scent,
That will never leave my mind,
Coffee and cigarettes.