That Gift You Ever So Kindly... Stole

by xToBeWithYoux   Dec 30, 2009

Tender skin warms mine,
caresses drowning my thoughts.
Can we stay here?

Your pallid face inches above my own,
searching for consent in my wide eyes.
You won't find it, dear.

And it was always your downside,
stubborn as always.
You can't resist, can you?

In the shadowy bedroom,
you purloined my heart in so many ways.
My screams are not the kind
you were so desperate to hear,
are they?

Pain stabbed my mind
as I poured my soul to the jury.
Watching you fleeing in my memory,
a silhouette in the moonlight,
crawling through my shutter.

"The thief,
he stole the gift I would have given him,
in time,
leaving scarlet bed sheets in my nightmares."

"And I, the fool, never realised,
that I was just a pawn in his game
of gain, lust, and heartbreak."


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    You used your words so well!! They weren't all jumbled up and stuck in one stanza. You made sense of them and that's what I wanted. You told a story and it was amazing. I loved it soo much. The other poets in the contest can learn a lot from you. This was great Em, Keep it up :) Nik