Uneventful... Depiction of My Life

by Twisted Heart   Jan 4, 2010

Each year drags by...or so it seems
To lead straight to another
of days at work, and days at play
Some days to run for cover.

A day so like the one before
It feels like it's the same
And though I try to change events
I know I am to blame

I chose my path a while ago
I live each day to see
The smile that captures in my heart
My children's aim to please.

Some days will bring me happiness
Some fill with sorrowed grief
I trudge along the edge of life
Sometimes without relief

And though my life seems so mundane
That others would rebel
I find a bit of calm... you see
Inside this empty shell.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Twyst

    Love this one too, you're amazing with words.

  • 14 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    As always I have admired your ability to capture words and describe things so vividly. You have managed to do that yet again with this write that I can relate to very easily. Though others may think our little insignificant things we do are mundane, it is in the nurturing and acceptance nature within us. Though the things we do may not be appreciated now, they will come to fruition at some point in our lives, if not by someone else, then perhaps when we review our life in whole and know the choices we made were right. Excellent write dear.

    Take Care,

  • 14 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    Another well written piece of storytelling. It's quite sad. Even in the writing there doesn't seem to be much happening (I mean that in a good way, I swear). My favourite two stanzas have to be two and five. I can't pick between them.


    P.S. Please comment and vote honestly on every poem that you read.

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