Slumber party

by Madison   Jan 4, 2010

Sorrow sits a lonely friend
waiting for my quick return
quietly drinking the emotions i leave
to keep her bitter heart
content for more
loneliness her truest companion
comes to comfort in dead of night
softly bleeding for the soul of a dreamer
trapped beneath this pitiful sight
retched monstrosity freed at last
stalk's the movements i pray to hide
softly smothering the inferno within
finality a dead silence
with the coming of the wind


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  • 13 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    Wicked awsome, if i may say so. it grabs at the mind, plays with the soul. makes you feel what the feeling is felt in the poem. to much feeling in that sentance. ight. a 5/5 indeed. keep it up, and I'll keep reading.


  • 15 years ago

    by Mello193

    Very nice, this one had the best flow i have ever read! nice words, nice everthing, very very good job!