Stimulating Butterflies

by Poet on the Piano   Jan 5, 2010

Dainty snowflakes twirl with elegance
falling upon our separated lips gently.
I imagine each dancing crystal
is an exquisite and single kiss
as they cascade down perpetually
blowing winter greetings our way.

We both lean in automatically
and send glittery angels flying.
Our frozen lips embrace
passionate flares igniting
as eyesight is fully lost in
a hot and cold blizzard of bliss.

Your unyielding body holds me
I will not drift far from your grasp.
Love powder shakes unto
our burning skin with ease
as divine caresses twist
and melt on our tongues.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    This was such a lovely piece. I'm not a big fan of love poems or even writing them but I felt this was very well done. I loved the diction and how you didn't let the words you used overpower the emotions of the piece. I like the length as well. Not too long and detailed but not too short to where I have to paint my own pictures. This was very beautiful and not a surprise from someone as talented as yourself. Very nice poem dear :) Nik

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    My only problem or issue with the poem was the usage of automatically -- I feel there is something better out there. Otherwise beautiful as can be and has me yearning to be close to someone special.