Everything Ends

by Lady Nik   Jan 6, 2010

She knew he wasn't promised forever
that his clock would strike twelve.
She wished he could heal his heart
but she knew he'd never be well.

How could she forget
the special moments they
had once shared?
The laugher that is
now a few miniature
molecules in the back
of her throat.

She watches him struggle through the day
without ever asking "Why me?"
She tried to swallow back tears
so he wouldn't see her cry like a baby.

When will she be allowed
to expel the torment
she held so dearly
at night? The way she
woke up constantly
just to check his

She didn't have a magic wand
to make things perfect and serene.
She only had a few more months
that turned into years when she dreamed.

Why did it hang around
reminding her of
the ugly truth. The pain
he felt, the life they
built, the future that
would never exist....
everything ends

*Please please please tell me what you think. Something new I'm trying :) thank you*


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  • 14 years ago

    by Danielle

    I didn't like how the stanzas were written. The different lines all over the place just didn't sit well with me.

  • 15 years ago

    by White Orchid

    As you know I am new to this whole site, but I really loved this poem of yours, for it is raw emotion and touched my heart. I am excited to read some more of your stuff.

  • 15 years ago

    by derek

    Good job i can understand the pain and hurt in ur heart when u hit tht good job shanik i like it u do good

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Love is such a hard thing to figure out and get used to. I mean once you find it and you're happy you can only help but think one day they'll be gone forever. I think it would be extremely hard to be around the person you love most in the world everyday watching them die, but thats definately love. I like this style you have here its like a free form of thoughts which is always good. Told a pretty strong story but a very true one at that. Nicely done worthy of a 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    This was really heartbreaking but so beautiful to read. it had a ton of emotion and pain in the entire thing. great job!
    "How could she forget
    the special moments they
    had once shared?
    The laugher that is
    now a few miniature
    molecules in the back
    of her throat"
    awesome. :)

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