This Love Journey

by KJ   Jan 6, 2010

Reflecting upon times that are past,
I measure my growth in leaps and bounds.

Like in nature, I've left my old shell,
Evolving, revealing my true self.

Today I bask in the rays of life,
soaking in every new element.

Thirsting for life like never before,
I 'm eager to have it all with you.

I feel complete, completely lucky,
sharing fledgeling moments by your side.

Waking up, wrapped up inside your arms,
Supported by you in every task.

Loving you is the easiest thing,
despite many challenges we've met.

I'm okay being vulnerable,
exposing the deepest part of me.

Not afraid to fall, I'd crash and burn,
Because these feelings I harbor are real.

I'd like to keep you with me always....

*This doesn't rhyme, it's not supposed to. Sometimes it's good to just write without really trying to create flow or rhyme; and this is one of those writes :)


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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by C P Sharma

    Just beautiful. Sacrifice of ego at the altar of love.

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Love this poems depth great write 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Aw.. this is such a beautiful and touching poem. I really like it! And I liked that it didn't rhyme, because not all poems have to rhyme anyway! Well done :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I know you say it doesn't rhyme but to me I think your true thoughts shouldn't have to rhyme. I think its important that we all grow and evolve like you said, our past makes us who we are today but we don't have to live in it. Excellent job 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by LiveMyLifeOnALullaby

    I'm glad you decided not to use a rhyme scheme because it made the poem so much more powerful. it remains so simple and clear, yet amazingly beautiful. i love it how you describe the power of love so well.

    "Not afraid to fall, I'd crash and burn,
    Because these feelings I harbor are real."

    my favourite part. ^_^

    absolutely brilliant. :)