Comments : This Love Journey

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I like this. I think it's a whole lot deeper than some other poems you've done because it was free verse. I feel that people get too caught up in rhyming that they lose the meaning of their poems and I'm glad to see that you didn't do that here. This was pure and full of emotions like a poem should be. I think you really did a great job of telling the reader how you feel without having to be too blunt or repetitive. This was nicely done and I enjoyed reading it. Keep it up hun, you're really growing as a poet. Nik

  • 15 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Like in nature, I've left my old shell,
    Evolving, revealing my true self.

    ^^ Excellent use of a simile right there..I loved the comparison!

    No worries about the non-rhyming thing. I absolutely loved the way you wrote this! One this is true, love is a journey. A challenging one at that. Your descriptions of the way you were feeling were nicely written. I enjoy your free style kind of poems!

  • 15 years ago

    by OrangeJuicePerez

    It didn't need to rhyme! I don't need to give you a paragraph of praise cuz you should already know that you wrote a cure for boredom...well at least a few minutes away from it. I like poems that cure boredom temporarily.

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    I would feel more comfortable writing poems like this if I could make it flow like this one

    I also like the way you expressed your emotions so eloquently in this poem

  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    I honestly liked this a lot. this is my favorite part: "Thirsting for life like never before,
    I 'm eager to have it all with you." priceless. :)

  • 15 years ago

    by eezebard

    Your thoughts and feelings shine in this piece ... it's good to have someone to fill all our gaps with happy thoughts

  • 15 years ago

    by nmdoza

    I really like your style and the technique you used. your poem was very well written, and i like the fact that not everything rhymed. well done. i would really like to see poems written like this more often from other people too. it's very inspirational.

  • 15 years ago

    by Ray Smallshaw

    This is just a beautiful poem full of what love means and what gives truly an excellent poem who ever invoke these feeling of wonder and opened your life shell must be very special.
    From and ex-RN Sailor Chief Petty Officer of 23 years, a life at sea gives you time to ponder on what you have and I think appreciate what it can give that much more, making it that much more special. excellent work Ray S 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Ray Smallshaw

    This is just a beautiful poem full of what love means and what gives truly an excellent poem who ever invoke these feeling of wonder and opened your life shell must be very special.
    From and ex-RN Sailor Chief Petty Officer of 23 years, a life at sea gives you time to ponder on what you have and I think appreciate what it can give that much more, making it that much more special. excellent work Ray S 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Malboros pipe

    This is a very charming and delightful poem. my favourite line is "Thirsting for life like never before,
    I 'm eager to have it all with you". It is very very well written and very compiled very nicely, u should be proud of your work very much so.

  • 15 years ago

    by Lori

    Poems don't have to be rhyming to be good....just to let you know dear :)

    You did a great job with this piece. I really liked the two-liner business going on :) Like I said on the other poem I commented on, you did a really great job on the word choice. The words just flow so well with the rest of them poem. It makes it much more enjoyable to read. I know I enjoyed reading it :)

    I'm okay being vulnerable,
    exposing the deepest part of me.

    ^You guys must have a really great relationship. Because being vulnerable is the scariest part of it. And what's even scarier is showing that you're vulnerable. But, you know that they will always be there for you no matter what. That's brialliant :)

    I also really loved the closing because it was apart from the rest of the poem and you could tell right away that it was the last line :) I thought it was unique.

    Overall, I thought that this was a beautiful piece and I thought you did a wonderful job expressing yourself and your love for this person :)

    Wonderful write! 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Great work, amazing poem!

    5/5 because...

    1. i liked your title, it fitted well with the poem, and we can all relate to being on a journey of love at some point in our lives.

    2. it was good because it didnt rhyme but you still managed to keep up a good flow which is really good.

    3. you used experienced language :
    "I feel complete, completely lucky,
    sharing fledgeling moments by your side." taking away the cliche of your typical love poem.

    4. it read as a poem, but if you take each line and have it on its own, it also reads well that way too. short powerful statements :)

    and 5, because i enjoyed it from the start to the end, and i didnt think " oh just another love poem" so well done.

    my favourite line was :
    "I'm okay being vulnerable,
    exposing the deepest part of me. " ...

    i liked this because i can relate to it, as well as others might too. and also because we spend a lot of our life hiding our weaknesses and vulnerablity , and then when we find love we just let it all go. like you expressed in these lines.

    loved it, well done :) xx

  • 15 years ago

    by LiveMyLifeOnALullaby

    I'm glad you decided not to use a rhyme scheme because it made the poem so much more powerful. it remains so simple and clear, yet amazingly beautiful. i love it how you describe the power of love so well.

    "Not afraid to fall, I'd crash and burn,
    Because these feelings I harbor are real."

    my favourite part. ^_^

    absolutely brilliant. :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    I know you say it doesn't rhyme but to me I think your true thoughts shouldn't have to rhyme. I think its important that we all grow and evolve like you said, our past makes us who we are today but we don't have to live in it. Excellent job 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Aw.. this is such a beautiful and touching poem. I really like it! And I liked that it didn't rhyme, because not all poems have to rhyme anyway! Well done :)

  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Love this poems depth great write 5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by C P Sharma

    Just beautiful. Sacrifice of ego at the altar of love.