Comments : Leap of Faith

  • 15 years ago

    by Mimed Lovette

    Wow, this is such an amazing read! The first stanza got me captured and I really loved what followed. I can't pick out the stanza which I really love for the first time because all was so beautiful! This piece deserves a 5/5 (:

  • 15 years ago

    by Lu

    You always have such a smooth flow to your poems Jenn!

    Arms embrace a whirling wind
    Flight is taken fast
    Before a doubt can take away
    The hope they saved for last
    Love your ending stanza.

    Wonderful read Jenn

  • 15 years ago

    by The Queen

    A short yet an emotion-filled piece indeed..My heart ached a bit while going through this poem of yours..Loved the smooth flow the rythm and the sad tone presented..I just have one suggestion to make though, since this was already a short poem maybe you can alter the word "drift" in the i think 2nd or 3rd stanza..
    Wonderfully penned Jen, as always..

  • 15 years ago

    by Nee

    Beautiful. Simply heart-wrenching and lovable.
    I love the soft emotions in it.

    Eyes drift along a lonely cloud
    Dream of days gone by
    When life was filled with innocence
    And love had yet to die
    ^My fave :)

    Well done hunnie. Haven't read your stuff in a sorry..
    Write on~

  • 15 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Good imagery, flow, the rhyming isn't forced...the rhythm is good. I am sure many can relate to the feelings you convey in this piece. Great this is the kind of poem worth nominating!

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    Such beautiful lines. You write so well. Where can I get some of this talent?
    l didn't even have to read it twice, which says a lot. Please, don't stop writing.