Brothers 'Till Death

by LameOANDSuperDork   Jan 9, 2010

The best of friends.
The worst of enemies.
Together we could do anything.
But alone we both fail.
Fighting together, we'll prevail.
Brothers by birth.
And I'll be there to protect you first.
You taught me how to live.
How it's not better to receive but to give.
We use to fuss and fight.
But I know everything's alright.
You showed me how to be myself.
To be true to myself.
Nothing could hurt our bond.
Forever we'll be connected.
Nobody will separate us.
In the end, we'll rely on each other.
We got each others back
And that's a fact.
I write these words while I remember you.
I smile through the pain
And laugh through the memories.
I know you're gone.
But I can still feel your presence.
You helped me carve my own path.
Our blood, sweat, and tears made us who we are.
We are stronger than steel,
Because we went through a lot together.
Our pride rivals a lion,
Because we know where we come from.
Our brotherhood like the sun and the moon,
Because we couldn't exist without the other.
I smile through the pain
And laugh through the memories.
I know you're gone.
But I can still feel your presence..
as I walk this path alone..

- Lame-O


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  • 15 years ago

    by nikki

    Huh! why am i the only one commenting on this one!!! people need to start reading this stuff!

  • 15 years ago

    by nikki

    Wow i liked it! so much emotion happy and sadness :( mb you dont have writers block after all.

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