Fast women

by Merdy   Jan 9, 2010

I was immortal until i meet you
Never phased by no mans words, or actions
I should have known you were bad for me
A sweet poison, set to rot my morals
But i was unable to turn away
In triced...
Your loved caused me so much pain
Pleasant pain...
Your soft betrayal, stole my identity
What you left was a memory of a man
a empty shell...
I just wanted to love you
You just wanted to touch me
Swiftly devoured my heart
quickly digested our memories
Left me in the mouth of madness
I reside in the dark now
For a mere taste of what we shared
I would do it all over again.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Merdy


  • 15 years ago

    by Chicken Soup

    Wow... i felt like i was watching Blue Powder and your the father of of the mother with the boy in the hospital. I'd tell you there names but I think it's easier to remember their roles.