Why the Cat Purrs

by Corinne   Jan 10, 2010

There once was a Persian Pussycat
Who always loved to pounce
He relished skittering, squeaking mice
That he munched on by the ounce

One day a mouse named Mortimer
Cried: "I', no tasty treat!
You'l surely hate my bones and fur
Sticking in your teeth!"

"So Percival, please be merciful
Have a heart - reconsider - do!
Even a fine feline like yourself
Loathes a messy meal -don't you?"

"Little mousy morsel purr-haps you're right"
His Royal Percyness said
"In fact, purr-suade me, impurr-tinent pal
Make me spare your life instead"

As the cat settled down and fluffed his ruff
Morty's sweat began to run
Mr. P flashed his beautiful azure eyes
You could tell he was having fun

"All cats love chicken and beef" said the mouse
"It's so easy to open up tins!
Say - you could lie on a beach all day
Ingesting fish with great big fins!"

"As if I would deign to get sand in my coat!"
Besides, I already eat those
I've had dinner, but guess who'll be dessert"
Then swallowed Morty from head to toes

Every breed of cat is purr-fectly content
Chasing and playing with its prey
They have their mouse and eat it too
That's purr-petually their way


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Fran

    Cruel kitty lol. I loved the line 'have their mouse and eat it too'. A delightful little tale.

  • 15 years ago

    by Konstantin

    Well done! Very funny. I also love writing about cats, though I haven't submitted many yet. Konstantin.