We grew up together; we use to be the best of friends
We would talk for hours and laugh about nothing
I knew this was how it was meant to be, Friends forever
But then you left me, you didn't come back for years
Suddenly you returned, I was ecstatic to see you again
I didn't want you to leave again, but that day came around again
You left me again, just like it happened before, I didn't know
I didn't know if you wanted to go or stay, but you didn't stay
People came a people went, but I never forgot you, my friend
You ended up coming back once again like the other times
And now were older and really were not that much wiser
But I'm scared for that day to come around again, to take you
I know you don't belong to me, I know I don't own you
But to me you're like my closest friend, my sister, my forever friend
Through the lies, cried and laughter and fights we have stuck by it all
You were placed on this earth to be a friend to many, to change lives
You changed mine; you accepted me and loved me for me,
It was hard; it was a struggle for you and everyone else I know
I put you through pain and hurt, and I always blurt out to you
You can tell me your hopes and dreams, what you want for your life You can tell me how you feel and if your every sad, I'll cuddle you
I'll sit and listen to every word you say, I'll be there till your okay again
Every tear you cry, I'll wipe them awake and hold you tight as you cry
Don't be afraid, oh please dont be afraid to talk to me about anything
Whatever is on your mind, whatever is in your heart, I'm here to listen
I'm here to care and I'm here to be your friend just like from the start
No matter what, I still want to be your forever friend!
I promise to you, I'll love you forever.