All I Feel

by KJ   Jan 14, 2010

Recieving answers;
asking no questions.
Taking in your words,
making no suggestions.

Oblivious to the world,
all I see is you.
The tears in your eyes
tells me the truth.

Betrayal is pain,
and it is all I feel;
as you say these words
I know it is real.

My lungs have collapsed,
all breathing has ceased.
My heart is breaking slowly;
there is no peace.

For my love has gone,
never to return.
In the arms of another;
for you, I yearn.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    My lungs have collapsed,
    all breathing has ceased.
    My heart is breaking slowly;
    there is no peace.

    *This was my favorite part. I know this feeling all too well. I'm surprised I didn't read this sooner. Anywho I thought this was very simple compared to the other pieces I've read. Not my favorite for you, but still a great piece. You have a great way with words and expressing them in the right way. I'm never confused when I read your poems. I always know what you mean and that's great. Wonderful read dear. Keep it up :) Nik*

  • 15 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    The first and fourth stanzas are my favorite and what I think is the most original out of the poem. The other stanzas needed something more. Good poem overall

  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    Poems about love are definately my favorite because almost everyone has experienced love and they can relate to the subject. Nothing can make you feel so high and at the same time feel so low. I know how it feels to want somebody more than anything in the world and you did a fantastic job with this poem 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    My favorite line. "My lungs have collapsed,
    all breathing has ceased.
    My heart is breaking slowly;
    there is no peace."
    i can relate to this one especially. it's heartbreaking and honestly beautiful. great job :)

  • 15 years ago

    by kyna

    I love it im sorry if this is what happened thought keep up the writing and best of luck to u