Harken as the Snowflakes Fall

by Corinne   Jan 17, 2010

An acrostic that spells out "Happy New Year"

Harken as the snowflakes fall
Attend the trumpeting winds that call
Praise the new year, one and all

Prior months were sad and grim
You were sure they'd do you in
Now's the time - let joy begin

Erase the memories that drain
Wear you down and cause you pain
Yes! Now let abundance reign

Embrace the days ahead of you
Awaken to what's brave and true
Ring out the old, proclaim the new


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  • 11 years ago

    by Liam

    Hey Corinne,

    I enjoyed reading this. Post-Christmas time I am usually in a state that is internally depressive and externally stoic. So reading something that, along with much of your other work, is simple, direct, clever, musical, and optimistic is a refreshing notion of hope and relief. It really works because the poem addresses said problems, and chooses to maintain hope despite the probelms rather than participating in the self-defeating proverbial act of dwelling on it.

    Thank you for this, I think it's important that listeners, readers, viewers, etc. of anything in art exhibit their appreciation of the work of the artist. This made me feel better, if only a little bit, which is all you can ask from art. I maintain that you should pride yourself on achieving one of the many possibilities of art, and use praise like this to remind yourself of that ability.

    Thanks again as always, Liam.

  • 14 years ago

    by Melpomene


    I adore the optimism in this poem, it gives the reader a sense of confidence and hope.

    You know what I love most about your poetry, even though I know you are a song writer and a musician it is still very obvious in your poetry, your verses are always so lyrical and when writing such an uplifting poem like this it gives me much joy.

    a cleverly constructed acrostic and lovely read.


  • 15 years ago

    by Addie Coleman

    I love this its wonderful!

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy

    A very refreshing uplifting piece for our New Year. Great message.

  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid


    What a lovely poem:) Usually the name is in the title, but this is just so lovely, I love the old word "Harken"ha ha..it reminds me of that song that has "hark now hear, the angels sing, a king was born today" in it..such a peaceful, joyous song.

    Your words are those of a strong woman, who knows how to pick herself up after a severe set back...You go girl:)

    God bless,

    5/5 Ingrid