Did you Forget?

by Countess of Monte Cristo   Jan 17, 2010

Did you forget the worst days of your life
When you cried yourself until sleep?
The pillow welcomed your tears every night,
The scars were just too deep.

Did you forget when every moment was fearful,
When you were too scared to walk upright?
Feeling weak, scared, and so broken,
And desperation you cannot fight?

Did you forget the echos of your soul,
Screaming across a deep, black hole?
The many pains that are inside you,
Are ones that are still untold.

Did you forget when you tried to kill yourself?
You begged not to stay alive.
But, some divine providence interrupted your plans,
It wanted you to survive.

Did you forget how you were strong enough,
To pull through when no one expected you to stand?
You chose to lick your wounds and move on,
Instead of burying your head in the sand.

Damn right, you are a hero,
You will not be put down.
Good things come to good people,
And what goes does come around.

*Fall seven times, Stand up eight. - Japanese Saying


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  • 15 years ago

    by Cheris Blair

    I really liked this poeem, very very deep (:

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a beautiful heartfelt poem. It really tugs the heart strings of the reader.
    Excellent job!
    Love Cindy

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