Storms Of The Mind

by Faith   Jan 18, 2010

Here I am in the damp sand
Looking out into the sea
Dreaming about taking your hand
And telling you everything we could be

The ocean waves crashing into the shore
Bursts of mist dance around my skin
Making me wish for something more
Just another layer of mist so thin

The sky is dark not showing an end
Then there was a sudden roar
Everything became bright for second
And then an instant fade to the core

For that split second I could see
I could see clearly for the first time
Ever since I met you I couldn't find the key
That opened my mind from this crazy bind

At last the flash I needed
Something so simple and genuine
So I sat there and pleaded
For a thunder storm that never ended

For what seemed like an eternity
Everything was still
I stared up into the sky
To make sure there wasn't a star to kill

The rain poured down
Like bubbles in the ocean deep
Then a bright light shined
Making my wish complete

I sat there motionless waiting for a shine
An image in my head like no other kind
Leaving nothing more for me to find
Just a shine of light to clear my mind


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  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    Well done. i liked your word choice and structure. you did a good job with imagery. felt like i was there. thanks for sharing.

  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy Miller

    WOW! Faith i can truely feel you're emotions, through your words, and can understand it all. this is definitly a keeper...since I met you I couldn't find the key<...thats a powerful statement! keep up the good work 5/5