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by robbie   Jan 18, 2010

The 8th of January
a date i will never forget
it happened.
i got that call, the call i was afraid of, the call i knew would come.
they said it was fast.
they made her feel the most comfortable they as they could.
the 8th of January you were born my love.
i changed that day.
i became yours, yours forever.
never to leave you when you need me.
if you stumble i will pick you up, if you cry i will rock you to sleep, if you sneeze i will laugh but clean your nose.
last night was one of the longest nights i have ever had in my life.
you just wouldn't yield. would only have it your way.
in my arms, sleeping, dreaming, smiling.
your mom is tired and beaten but i promise you that i take care of her, or at least try to as much as i can.
you change it all you know.
my sister will always be my sister, but n ow she is also your mom.
and i will always, always be your uncle, here to love you, here to rock you to sleep.
i love you
every tiny inch of you


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  • 14 years ago

    by Lost IN a RIVER of Tears

    Awww thats very cute

  • 15 years ago

    by robbie

    I wrote this while she was sleeping on my chest in the middle of the night.